Transformers is a Michael Bay film about a young boy named Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) who buys a car online only to discover that the yellow Camaro is actually a living robotic being called a Transformer. The transformers are sentient robotic lifeforms that have come to earth in search of something of great power they call the 'Allspark', and are able to disguise themselves as familiar Earthly vehicles like Trucks, Airplanes, and Cars. Divided into two factions; the Autobots led by Optimus Prime who are trying to obtain the Allspark to protect mankind, and the Decepticons led by Megatron who intend to use the Allspark to destroy all who oppose them, the Transformers wage a great war against each other on Earth with both groups racing to obtain the Allspark before the other. This movie is full of giant robots fighting each other in grandiose battles that include Transformers being ripped apart, blown up, thrown around. Houses are demolished, skyscrapers' get all bent out of shape, and more than a few missiles are launched.